Coloured harp strings

notes and references

1. Charles Egan, The Harp Primer, London, 1829. Available online from Google books

2. Ellis Roberts, Manual or method of Instruction for playing The Welsh Harp, 1902, p.3

3. Hannelore Devaere, ‘An organological study of Baroque double harps in Spain and Italy’, in Zur Baugeschichte der Harfe vom Mittelalter bis zum 19. Jahrhundert, Michaelsteiner Konferenzberichte 47, 1995, p.60. The painting is 'Adoration of the Magi', 1607-1624 by Luis Tristan, in Pollock House, Glasgow. A small reproduction is available online at Scran.

4. Fray Juan Bermudo, Declaración des instrumentos musicales, Osuna, 1555, cited in Christina Bordas, 'The Double harp in Spain from the 16th to 18th centuries', Early Music XV no 2, May 1987.

5. Vincenzio Galilei, Dialogo della musica antica et della moderna, Florence, 1581-2, p.89. Translation adapted from Claude Palisca (trans), Dialogue on Ancient and Modern Music, Yale University Press, 2003, page 223







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