
Dominick O’Donnell (fl. c.1790s-1811))

Our information about Dominick O’Donnell locates him in County Mayo, in the West of Ireland.

“Dominick O’Donnell beside Bellaghy” (Bunting ms29 f114v) and “near Bellaghy County Mayo” (ms12 f89r & ms5 f41v)
Bellahy is just to the East side of Charlestown, just over the Mayo border into Sligo. There are a few other townlands called Bellaghy or similar names in different parts of Ireland, so I am not certain of this.

“D O Donnell of Mount Nephin Mayo” (Bunting ms13 f20v)
Nephin is a mountain on the West side of Lough Conn.

“at Foxford” (1840 index p.xi, ms27 f19v-20r)
Foxford is a town on the East side of Lough Conn.

“Freshford Co. Mayo” (ms13 f5v)
I'm not finding a Freshford in County Mayo.

map of Mayo